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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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PERFECTA - Intravenous analgesics for post-operative pain: patterns of use in high-risk populations

Head : Boccard Éric, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Schmidely Nathalie, Bristol-Myers Squibb

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


PERFECTA - Intravenous analgesics for post-operative pain: patterns of use in high-risk populations

Head : Boccard Éric, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Schmidely Nathalie, Bristol-Myers Squibb

Main objective

Describe the post-chirurgical drug treatment for pain after a surgical intervention, in target groups of patients having specific risks of developing complications during the use of certain classes of analgesics

Inclusion criteria

M/F patients, >=18 years, have an ASA score of level 3 or 4 and having undergone a surgical intervention, including coeloscopy, excluding cardiac surgery and neurosurgery, requiring antalgic treatment through IV in order to relieve postoperative pain.
Patients having at least one of the following risk factors: aged ≥ 65 years, OCPD including sleep apnea, high blood pressure, kidney, heart or liver failure.

COLCHIC - Assessment of chemotherapy practices in patients with colorectal cancer at the Bordeaux University Hospital

Head : Fourrier-Reglat Annie, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen
Moore Nicholas, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen

Version 3


Last update : 01/01/2018


COLCHIC - Assessment of chemotherapy practices in patients with colorectal cancer at the Bordeaux University Hospital

Head : Fourrier-Reglat Annie, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen
Moore Nicholas, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen

Main objective

The main objective was to evaluate the conditions of use and monitoring of chemotherapy for the treatment of colorectal cancer clinical departments at the University Hospital of Bordeaux, and to assess the appropriateness of prescribing practices in relation to current official recommendations.

Inclusion criteria

Patient with colon or rectal cancer treated with chemotherapy between 1 March 2005 and 1 March 2006; Patient followed at the Bordeaux University Hospital; Patient not objecting to the data collection.

INTERMEDE - Cross-Sectional Survey on Patient-Physician Interaction and Social Health Inequalities

Head : Lang Thierry, Unité Inserm 558, Faculté de Médecine de Toulouse

Version 2


Last update : 10/01/2017


INTERMEDE - Cross-Sectional Survey on Patient-Physician Interaction and Social Health Inequalities

Head : Lang Thierry, Unité Inserm 558, Faculté de Médecine de Toulouse

Main objective

To clarify elements of physician-patient interaction that may explain, beyond social differences in health care sought by patients, differentiated treatment that may ultimately contribute to differences in health. - Consultation observation and semi-structured post-consultation interviews with patients and doctors independently. - Mirrored-questionnaires where patients and physicians answered the same questions post-consultation.

Inclusion criteria

Patient inclusion: - at least 18 years old - not attending a general practitioner for emergency purposes - who are not attending their first consultation - not pregnant or have given birth within the last six months - who have signed the informed consent agreement

THEATRE - Observational study of the therapeutic strategy for management of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis in real-life practice

Head : Molimard Mathieu, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen
Moore Nicholas, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


THEATRE - Observational study of the therapeutic strategy for management of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis in real-life practice

Head : Molimard Mathieu, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen
Moore Nicholas, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen

Main objective

The study objectives were to describe how the management of AECB in real-life conditions of prescription and to assess the effectiveness of the therapeutic strategies used.

Inclusion criteria

The study objectives were to describe how the management of AECB in real-life conditions of prescription and to assess the effectiveness of the therapeutic strategies used.

- Inflammatory pulmonary diseases in coal miners

Head : Nadif Rachel, Recherche en Épidémiologie et Biostatistique

Version 2


Last update : 09/05/2017


- Inflammatory pulmonary diseases in coal miners

Head : Nadif Rachel, Recherche en Épidémiologie et Biostatistique

Main objective

The study of Lorraine Miners was set up in 1990 with 2 main objectives.
- To estimate the predictive value of chest tomodensitometry and of sensitive functional tests in the development of peumoconioses.
- To test specific hypotheses about the physiology of emphysema and fibrosis using biological markers: proteases/antiproteases, oxidative/antioxidative and degradation/repair balances.
The study of genetics has subsequently been developped.

Inclusion criteria

-Male- between 34 and 50 years old - working in a coal mine

"AZF" Santé Cohort - Cohort of Toulouse Conurbation Workers

Diène Eloi, Département santé travailInstitut de veille sanitaire94415 Saint Maurice Cedex

Version 1


Last update : 12/01/2019


"AZF" Santé Cohort - Cohort of Toulouse Conurbation Workers

Diène Eloi, Département santé travailInstitut de veille sanitaire94415 Saint Maurice Cedex

Main objective

General objectives:
- To investigate the medium-term health effects from the explosion at the AZF plant that occurred in September 2001 in the population of workers;
- To test access procedures for medical-administrative data (ERASMUS) for monitoring large prospective cohorts.

Inclusion criteria

Working within the Toulouse conurbation and agreeing to participate in the cohort during the cross-sectional study, carried out between September 2002 and April 2003.

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